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Pacific Rim Wiki
Pacific Rim Wiki

Hawker is an associate of Mech Czar.[2]


Following their arrival to the Santa Monica scrapyard, Hawk and Dwayne put on the HAZMAT suits given to them by Verma. After Joshua Griffin arrives to the scrapyard, Dwayne burns a makeshift door into the sealed wall with a weapon given to Griffin by Chris Dubango, and Hawk enters the scrapyard with the rest of the team.[2]

Hawk and Verma defend their group from attack instigated by Giovanni Capello’s men, who ambush them. Dwayne is killed while Joshua and Pena run. Hawk is the only one left standing after Verma is shot.[2] Pena returns for her, and urges Hawk to leave Joshua behind as she finishes off another of Giovanni's men. Reluctantly she uses a grenade to cover her and Pena's escape, sending Vulcan Specter's head falling. Joshua manages to survive the explosion, and the three return to Mech Czar's headquarters.

Back in Los Angeles, Mech Czar's headquarters are ambushed by Giovanni's men. Hawk and several other men try to protect the building but are overwhelmed.[3] Joshua and Pena, piloting Enforcer and Bruiser, are able to suppress Giovanni's men, giving Mech Czar the opportunity to kill Giovanni.[4]

During Pena and Joshua's fight with Hannibal Chau's Kaiju hybrids, Hawk tries to offer assistance. Riding into the fray on a motorcycle, she tries to fire Dubango's Engerycaster on Baby but the weapon explodes in her hand. She sustains severe burns on her hand. She opts to keep fighting with her knife, the weapon can't pierce the Kaiju's skin. Unaware of Pena's intentions, she is caught in the path of Bruiser's CCLO cannon. Her body freezes and shatters into pieces.[1]

