Pacific Rim Wiki
Pacific Rim Wiki


Hydra Corinthian is a Mark-4 American Jaeger.


Pacific Rim: Amara[]

When the Kaiju Insurrector emerges from the Breach and attacks the city of Santa Monica, Hydra Corinthian and the Mark-5 Jaeger, Striker Eureka are deployed into the city to protect the populace.[3]

Hydra Corinthian works in tandem with Striker Eureka to keep Insurrector away from the fleeing populace on the beach following the Kaiju's attack on the Santa Monica Pier.[3]

Despite the efforts of both Jaegers, Insurrector forces its way onto land and moves toward the city. One civilian, Amara Namani, is repeatedly caught in the middle of their conflict, and is nearly killed by falling debris. As she is taken out of the city by Kai, she observes Hydra Corinthian and Striker Eureka's fight against Insurrector.[3]



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Hydra Corinthian

